Class Reps are a vital link in the SRC information chain. The role of a Class Rep is to act as a liaison between the SRC and the students. The SRC has a lot of important information that needs to be communicated to the students and face-to-face and virtual contact with selected Class Reps is the best way to share this information! This is also a chance to provide essential feedback from students and their peers to the SRC in order to make an impact and create change on campus.
At the end of the day, the SRC wants to ensure we're representing our students as effectively as we can.
So, first things first, what does a Class Rep do and what's the commitment?
A Class Rep (resentative) is required to attend a monthly meeting, scheduled by the VP South and/or VP Downtown. Monthly meetings from September to April are an opportunity to voice classmates' concerns, opinions, ideas and suggestions regarding college operations and social events. These meetings also give the Class Rep an opportunity to learn about the events and activities happening on campus in order to relay that info back to their classmates.
So, how does one become a Class Rep?
Each program can have up to two Class Reps. If you're interested, you can volunteer to take on this position. But, if there's more than two students who are interested, there's two ways to determine who would take on these roles-either your instructor will select the rep or your class will conduct an in-class election to vote anonymously who should represent the class.
Where can you sign up?
Sign up here!
Once completed, you'll hear from either the VP South or VP Downtown-depending which campus you go to.
Why are there Class Reps?
St. Clair has over 10,000 students in Windsor. Without the Class Rep program, many of these students would remain unaware of events, services and activities taking place at the college. Likewise, without the Class Rep program, the SRC may be unaware of student issues and concerns that may affect student life as a whole.
How is this information relayed back to the students?
After each meeting, the Class Rep is required to relay the information they acquired back to their class. To ensure that each Class Rep is doing this, we ask that each Instructor please allow the Class Rep a few minutes at the start of class to relay the information after each monthly meeting. There is also a form that must be signed by the instructor each month confirming that the information was provided to the students.
FAQ about the Program
What if I cannot attend the meeting set by the SRC?
If you cannot attend the once a month meeting due to a schedule conflict, late classes or emergency, there are several things you should do.
- Please inform your VP of your absence through email or by stopping by the office.
- Collect the information for that month from the VP and relay it to your class.
- Have form signed by instructor that confirms information was relayed to your class.
Another option, is for you to attend the Class Rep meeting held by the VP at our other campus. Although there is some campus-specific information, many of the topics covered relate to all St. Clair College Windsor students.
If the day of the week that Class Rep meetings fall on conflicts with your schedule every month, it may be beneficial to select a different Class Rep for your program.
What should I do with the information provided to me at the Class Rep meeting?
Utilize the digital presentation provided and present it to your class. If a digital presentation is not provided, then you may always take the info and create your own or ask for a copy of the Class Rep meeting agenda and share that with your classmates. You are encouraged to ask students for feedback in whichever form you prefer. You are encouraged to work alongside the VPs to determine whether a survey or questionnaire should be created to receive feedback from your class or feel free to reach out to your VP informally via email.
What if a student comes to me with a problem regarding a teacher, the program or another student?
The SRC has resources available to them and information to help remedy these situations, but we encourage you to be an advocate for you and your classmates. We encourage you to talk to your Chair, if you don't know who this is or don't feel comfortable talking to them-the SRC is more than willing to help you. The SRC will also assist with mediation, grade appeals and quality learning environment forms-these resources are here to help you!
Feel free to drop by the SRC office, or schedule an appointment to meet with the VP South at South Campus or the VP Downtown at the Downtown Campus.