The Legal Care Program was developed to help St. Clair College students access free legal support. The SRC has partnered with WeSpeakStudent, to provide legal advice on any subject and representation on issues relating to academic rights, co-op, employment, or housing and tenancy. This plan is designed specifically for students. For more information about the plan, visit, We Speak Student - Legal Care Plan
What does it cost?
This fee is $30.00 per academic year. It is automatically included in your tuition.
Legal Protection Plan
- Legal Representation
- Lawyers' fees
- Legal expenses (disbursements):
- Court fees
- Attendance fees
- Witness expenses
- and more!
- Experts' fees up to a maximum of $1,000 (excluding taxes)
The student is responsible for paying the costs awarded to the adverse party in civil cases if the student has received an order to pay them from the Court.
Requests for legal representation deemed frivolous or patently unreasonable, as judged by the partner law firm, may be subject to denial of service.
Frivolous: A request that has no legal basis.
Patently unreasonable: A request for which the legal action sought by the student is disproportionate to the scale of the problem raised - Public Notaries
Members who require commissioning services can arrange for virtual meetings to commission affidavits. Notarizing services are also offered.
- Disputes with an Academic Institution
A student’s legal expenses in the event of a dispute with an academic institution. This excludes cases related to sexual misconduct or a criminal act.
- Employment Disputes
Legal expenses arising from a dispute with a current or future employment contract, with respect to labour standards for grievances not covered by a union or government agency. This does not include occupational health and safety issues.
- Housing Dispute
Legal expenses arising from a dispute over a housing lease, such as a disputed rent increase, an illegal eviction, or a breach of a condition in the lease.
Opt Out
Opt Out is available to January 2025 start students only. The opt out form for the Legal Care Program will open on January 1, 2025 at 9am and will close on January 31, 2025 at 4pm.
Students who began studies in September 2024 are no longer eligible to opt-out of this service (one time fee on your fall tuition).
For more information about the plan and to opt-out
Please Note
Program lawyers will not provide any legal advice whatsoever that could be contrary to the interests of:
• Any student association in Ontario
• Any grouping of student associations in Ontario
• WeSpeakStudent