The SRC and St. Clair College provide several health and wellness services to the students of St. Clair College.

Here are some helpful links that all St. Clair students have free access to:

Helpful Links


Sexual Violence Prevention Policy & Protocol

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The SVP policy and protocol website is here to provide students with information regarding how to navigate the services and offerings at St. Clair College for students who know someone or have experienced sexual assault as well as identify clear definitions of consent, sexual violence and sexual assault.


Creating Safer Campuses Video

Rees - sexual harassment reporting


Melo Clinic & Pregnancy Centre 

Melo logo

Visit Website

The Melo Clinic and Pregnancy Centre is a not-for-profit organization offering helpful, accurate information about pregnancy, prenatal development, parenting and empowering individuals to make informed decisions regarding pregnancy and sexual health.

Pregnancy options hotline 24/7 in Windsor 519.946.9966 or Leamington 519.326.0612

Campus Well 

Campus Well logo

Visit Website

Student health and wellness made simple with unified campus-wide messaging, covering all 8 dimensions of wellness. Check out blog posts and tips and tricks from everything from body, food, mind, academics, self, relationships, money and sexual culture.

Mental Health Resources

Mental Health Resources - St. Clair

More Helpful Links for Addiction Counselling

HDGH - Addiction Assessment & Referral

WECHU - Substance Use Help

ConnexOntario - Free Mental Health & Gambling Services

The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health - Problem Gambling

Responsible Gambling for Canadians


WeConnect is the student mental health and wellness Student Assistance Program available to all St. Clair College students. WeConnect provides post secondary students, and their dependents, with short-term therapy, lifestyle counselling, courses, resources and events to improve mental and physical health.  

For more information about WeConnect and it's service offerings, click here or call or text 1-877-377-0002, for information and to seek assistance!

We Connect Services

Student Health Plans

Are you a Domestic Student?
Domestic Student Health Plans

Are you and International Student?
International Health Insurance Options